Tuesday 5 April 2011

Rome analysis

The TV series Rome opens with the roman soldiers In formation ready to fight the barbarian horde the guals, The battle ends in victory for the Romans But Titas has disobeyed orders and is suffering punishment which is then followed by the surrendering of the guals to Caesar.

Rank is represented in many different ways in the opening of Rome such as Cinematography, Editing, Sound and Mise-en-scene , Rank is represented  in cinematography with a serious of close ups of the  main commander and titas who is amongst the ranks of solders, During the battle there is a close up of the commander of the roman forces to show he is important to the programme, There is a birds eye shot that shows the roman forces fighting power + organization to their opponents’ the guals, it shows how the roman army is more superior and better disciplined Than the guals who have no order and no discipline This shows the ranks between the two fighting sides, There is a high angle shots and low angle shots with Caesar and the Gaul Chieftain shows there is a lot of difference between their status and rank, The high angle shot makes Caesar look very powerful with high status than the Gaul chieftain who is made to kneel like he has no power at all, He is stripped of his clothing and armour which also status that his rank and status are being stripped away from him in a few seconds, Also the long shot of the roman fortification because of the large stone buildings it states that the roman have the higher status than anyone else, When the camera pans across the roman army waiting for battle it shows the commanders compared to the rest of the troops he is standing right at the front and in the middle of the shot which states to the audience he has the highest rank out of all the Romans there, But when It shows the scene of Caesar on his platform above anyone this show he is the supreme commander of all the roman empire.

Rank is also represented in the Mise-on scene; the helmets in the roman army show the ranks between the soldiers like in the army today. The commanding general helmet is different to the foot soldiers because of the red frill, these shows to the rest of the solders and the audience that he is important to he is important and that he is in charge of the army as a whole. Also Caesar crown shows his Rank/Status in the Roman Empire, That he controls all those loyal to the empire without question This is the same with his robes that he is wearing it is usually the most expensive than anyone around him in the scene which shows he has the highest rank possible. Caesar Standard also shows the status of the roman empire because it is What is used when the Gaul chieftain kisses it in loyalty to Caesar which states the surrendering of the Guals and it acts as if it strips away the rank and status of all the Guals and will just disappear into the empire with no status at all. Also when Caesar is sitting upon his platform addressing the chieftain he does not get up or say anything to his enemy unlike the army today who have to show the commanding officer of any force with respect, Which shows that Caesar thinks that his Rank and status are much higher than his is so he does not show any respect at all, The banners also show the power and status of the Romans to strike fear into their enemies. 

The colours used by the Romans, Red this shows that they are ready to fight and that they have killed men before to get where they are today with their rank and status, The gold shows the wealth of the empire and shows it states to the other nations they are the best.

The sound used in the opening by the commanding officer shows how he is looked up to by the lower becouse he is making comands and no one is talking or shouting, only by the barbarians plus the whistle is used to command the troops which shows rank becouise he is the only one blowing it which is controling all that they do. Also the middle scene with the lashes of the whip which shows every time the whip strikes his back it is stripping away his status as well as his skin, the battle cries towarsds cesar showing his status as the supreme commander even to the comander at the beginnig who also has rank and status. and when the commander in the middle scene when he is telling the other soilders about titas trechery, he is talking and no one is making a noise and everyone is listing to what he is saying which shows use he has rank and status to everyone there.

With the editing there are a few shot reverse shots but one of the main ones was of ceaser and the barbarian chiefton, when he was kneeling down it shows that he has know lost all his power/ rank and status in less than a moment.

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