Monday 4 April 2011

Art of the title

In shot 1 it is a medium shot of a character in a door way with some to the left further back in the shot Also the shot shows the state of the room he is entering and also what he is wearing to give the audience a clue to what genre the film is and to the right you can see a hole in the wall to show that the place Is poor and not up kept, There are no titles in the shot so you mostly concentrate your attention to the character in the doorway. Also the colours used in the shot are also used to help show the genre and also to show it is an old building. And the lighting used in the shot is low key lighting on the character in the centre of the shot because there are no harsh shadows only behind him so you only look at the guy in the centre. 
In shot 2 the lighting is a lot darker on the guy in the centre of the shot because of the harsh shadow on one side of the character and the surrounding area is a lot darker to show he is walking in to a closed building, As well as shot 1 the character is positioned in the centre to show he is also important and with his costume you know that this is a western.  The colours and props are used to make the area look old and abandoned and there is also no titles used in this shot the first and second shot have no titles so you can see them moving around getting ready and not be distracted by the titles.
The third shot shows a character close up to the right of the frame this could show that he is mysteries stranger because you can’t see any of his features only his Cowboy hat and duster, maybe the reason he is all blacked out is so that you see the scenery behind him to show you that they are in the middle of no ware and that the film is a western. There is a title on this shot is in bold white text so it can be seen easily on the black background the font used Fits with the genre very nicely because it looks old fashioned like on the saloon signs of that time period.
The fourth shot I a long shot to establish the entire scene from the first 3 shots which is a train station in the west surrounded by nothing only a couple of mountains in the distance. The colours used are a mostly brown to show that the whole station is made from wood to emphasize that it is old, the title is the same as shot three, the same font and colour so it stands out on the brown platform and the words are introducing an actor who is probably playing the main character This gets the audience interested in the film if maybe there favourite actor is in the film.

The fifth shot is again a long shot of the scenery but with a lot more in the shot where you can see the wood more clearly as well as the rundown buildings in the background with the water tower which shows that this train station is rarely used, there is a guy sitting to the right of the shot looking at something on the floor, by his costume the audience knows he a cowboy because of his hat, and by the way he is sitting there as if he is waiting for something just trying to pass the time. As well as the other titles it is the same but this one is located at the bottom so you can see on the brown wood and it might be linked to the character sitting there, this is the quest star.
The sixth shot is a close up of another different character looking kind of relaxed with the barrel of a gun in his hand you can tell he is waiting because of the way he has his neck resting on the wood behind him, The close up tells us that he might be the main character or the main villain of the film and because of the colour of his hat you could think that he is the villain and also the way he is unshaven.  The lighting low key lighting because there are no harsh shadows across his face so you can see it a lot more clearly. The Font as the other shots is the same and blends in well with the shots it is not right in middle of the shot so that it blocks the picture it is conveniently placed in the top of the shot where there is nothing in the background.
The seventh shot is a close up of a gun being reloaded which show that something is going to happen shortly within a few scenes, The gun can also make the audience think that this group of men are not law abiding citizens and are there to steal something. The colours are dark browns and blacks to show that he is standing inside one of the huts and it show a sinister side of the gun in the shot like it has killed before and the titles are the same but are placed below the gun so the first thing you see is the gun and the you notice the title which is telling the audience who the producer is.

The final shot is a medium shot of the train pulling up to the water tower and coming to a stop with a character standing there waiting for it to stop to talk to the driver, With the lighting on the guy standing there the shadow from the train stops us from seeing his face which could mean has sinister goals, And below that is the title With the directors name along the bottom of the scene in the same font as the others and with this font it is plain and easier to read for the audience watching the film. 

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