Monday 4 April 2011

Lock stock

In the opening of lock stock we see we see the opening sequence is set with close ups and medium shots of the main character A, with a mixture of integrated titles rolling over it as well. Character A in this scene is selling stolen goods out of a suitcase on a street corner to the members of the public with his associate who is in the crowed until the police show up and give chase.
The first thing to appear on the screen during the scene is Character A followed by an opening title which is a black screen with typewriter font, this helps us determine the genre of the film which is crime, Because this font is typically used in crime films, There are a few opening titles which have the producers, directors and studios on them. But these black screens cut up the action going on in the scene, the camera angle changes during these cuts and also character x talks over the screens.
In the scene there are many different camera angles and effects used right at the begging , After the black screen it is a long shot of character x showing the surrounding area and who is around at this time which is his potential customers which he is trying to sell not stolen just not been paid for goods, The background in the scene is a rundown shop front with its metal bars down this shows that the area around is not very wealthy and it add that he is selling out of a suitcase. This Is then followed by a close up of character x brown to emphasize that he is the main character, After a few seconds the camera slowly tracks back to show his customers in the foreground this shows more of the scene but as it moves back and sets in it acts as if you are part of the crowd as one of his customers. It than comes back to a close up of him again as he is showing his wares but it does not focus on the items themselves as if they are not important later on.
After this it goes to a medium shot again from a point of view shots because you can see peoples shoulders in front this also shows Character X talking to us directly which makes us feel we are part of the crowd, The next Camera shot is of a character in the crowd who is shown a lot more clearly than any other person in the shot which shows that he might be more important to the scene the shot of character Y is a close up to show his features, Than after this scene there is a cut to a black screen when it returns to the action it jumps 30o to the left to show the area around him is crowded, it is shown again as a point of view shot, it then moves on to a reversal shot  between character X and Y going back and forth but also there is a camera action used the 180o  Rule The camera line goes through character X and Y and the camera stays on the left of the characters and reverses between them during the conversation you only see the same scenery in the shot which shows you it is still the same scene, There is then another jump cut That pans around and music slowly fades in to show that something is going to happen straight after there is a shot reverse shot of them putting their items in the suitcase this shot shows that they are in a rush and character y was with character x, When they are being chased  They run around a corner and the shot is a long shot which shows that the area is run down because of the rubbish and closed up shop fronts. When they are running the camera pans with character x to show they are running away There is then a match on action as they go around a corner than appear on the stairs this cuts out the of them running to the stairs and cuts The predictable action.
During the scene The camera Shows the settings that the area is not very rice and the people are coming to character x for a bar gin the rubbish on the corner emphasizes this  as well as the bent bollard most of the props in the scene are character suitcase and jewels the money and the selling on the street corner show they are east end barrow boys.
Many of the characters in the scenes are wearing big coats with turned up collar show the season is winter and it is cold, Also character x is clean shaven to show his crowed that he is sophisticated and knows what he is doing, Plus the way character x is talking with a cockney accent This shows the setting is London and the police also show this.
Another way the producer makes the area seem run down is the colours used, many  dull colours such as greys black and dark yellow  and browns This all adds to the effect on the area, these colours blend in and nothing stands out in the in the backgrounds so you only direct your attention on the main character. Lighting is also used, it is used to show the main characters features more clearly this shows they are the main character in the scene.
The Director in the opening keeps the audience interested by having the main character talking in rhyming slang too keep the audience interested by making jokes; the director is trying to make it as realistic as possible.

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