Wednesday 6 April 2011


We created a questionaire for an audience feed back on our fim.
we asked  people to see if they understood what we were trying to do in our opening  here are the results
1. Are you Male or female
       male      ( 2 )        female  ( 8 )
2. In the film do you think the black and white is used effectivly throughout the film
       Yes  ( 10 )                 No ( 0 )
3. Do you think the opening of the film draws you into watching the rest of the film
      Yes  ( 10 )                  No  ( 0 )
4. From the opening do you understand the genre we are trying to portray
    Yes   ( 6 )                      no  ( 4 )
5. Do you think the musice fits in well with what is going on in the opening
     Yes ( 10 )                      no  ( 0 )
6. Do you think we used out titles effectivly throughtout the film
    Yes  ( 10 )                       No  ( 0 )
7. In the opening does the edits make the some of the scenes look like a flashback.
     Yes  ( 5 )                   No  ( 2 )      DNA ( 3 )
8. Does the cuts smoothy intergrate with each other throughout the film without any jumps.
     Yes ( 10 )                   No  ( 0 )
9. What was your favorite part of the opening?
10. What part (if any)  would you change or edit in the opening?

from these results many people liked our opening and understood what we were trying to portray however 4 people didn't understand the genre very clearly in the opening we would have to fix it so that the genre is easier to get. Also with the flash back scene was not very clear to some people so that might have to be altered to make it more clear. also with question 10, 2 people said we should have smother titles and improve the mugging scene which we will take into account we looking over the opening  but overal i feel that the opening was a great success.

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